Save Vietnam’s Wildlife, Vietnam
The pangolin is the most illegally trafficked mammal in the world! They are critically endangered. Every year, approximately 100, 000 pangolins are poached from the wild to supply the illegal trade in their scales - which are used for traditional medicine, and their meat - which is considered a delicacy.
Because of this, pangolins could disappear before most of the world has even heard of them.
Animal Works have partnered with Save Vietnam’s Wildlife to purchase a rescue vehicle for their Pangolin Rescue and Rehabilitation Programme, and provide ongoing funding for the care of the pangolins - veterinary supplies and food.
We held a Fundraising Dinner ‘Party For Pangolins’ to raise the funds to purchase the rescue vehicle. Take a look.
We are working with Taronga Zoo’s nutritionist, Michelle Shaw to create an ongoing Pangolin Food Bank. It costs $1 a day to feed a pangolin. Can you spare $30 to feed a pangolin for a month? Perhaps you would you like to adopt one of our cheeky pangolins? The perfect ‘adopt an animal’ gift for a child or adult that loves pangolins.
Orangutan Legacy Forest, Borneo
The Orangutan Legacy Forest is part of a larger OFIA plan to purchase and protect a network of parcels of primary and secondary lowland forest located between the one-million-acre+ Tanjung Puting National Park, the 188,000-acre Lamandau Reserve, and the 1,000-acre Pasir Panjang Village Forest, home to OFI’s Camp Rendell ‘soft-release’ facility. OFIA envisions a province-wide system of contiguous, biologically intact nature reserves, parks, corridors, and protected areas, which together will help provide essential habitat to ensure the long-term conservation of the endangered orangutan in the region.
Cheetah, Leopard and Lion Rescue, Rehabilitation and Release, Namibia
Panthera play a vital role in rescuing and releasing threatened cats in Southern Africa to help reduce human-wildlife conflict. Through the use of GPS collars and camera traps we are rescuing, releasing and monitoring these great cats to prevent the cats being killed by landowners or being illegally hunted.
Leopard and Tiger Rescue, Rehabilitation and Release, North India
The WTI Leopard and Big Cat Project was recently initiated to purchase for the Wildlife Trust of India, a Mobile Veterinary Service vehicle for carnivore & other wildlife rescue and rehabilitation in the Dudhwa region of Uttar Pradesh in Northern India. To confront these issues Animal Works and WTI have initiated a project that addresses ecological and social aspects of human-wildlife conflict in a coordinated and holistic manner, for the long-term conservation of these majestic species.
Orphan Elephant Care, Kenya
At the heart of the DSWT’s conservation activities is the Orphan's Project, which has achieved world-wide acclaim through its hugely successful elephant and rhino rescue and rehabilitation program. The Orphan's Project exists to offer hope for the future of Kenya's threatened elephant and rhino populations as they struggle against the threat of poaching for their ivory and horn and the loss of habitat due to human population pressures and conflict, deforestation and drought.
White Lion Reintroduction Program, South Africa
The Global White Lion Protection Trust is the only project of its kind. They are a hands-off scientific reintroduction and release program of White Lions back into their natural endemic habitat. In addition, their long-term protection program needs to ensure the survival of the White Lions in their endemic pridelands, as well as helping to restore the health of that eco-system which supports the White Lions survival and the biodiversity of the region. It is also a model that supports the sustainable livelihoods of the indigenous peoples who honour the White Lions as a sacred heritage.
Rhino and Elephant Anti-Poaching Measures, Africa
The Save Valley Conservancy has been heavily affecting by poaching in the last decade of political instability, but the dedicated reserve managers and game scouts have kept much of the wildlife going, including rhinos and elephants, which have suffered great losses. Animal Works built capacity to fight poachers in Zimbabwe. We also support The Australian Rhino Project in their efforts to save African rhinos by bringing them to Australia.
Snow Leopard Population Research, Nepal
As elsewhere in their habitat, in the remote mountains of Nepal the snow leopards are on the brink of extinction. They will only survive if the local people they share their habitat with, protect them instead of killing them for preying on their livestock. Animal Works is supporting the Snow Leopard Conservancy and the Nepal Trust for Nature Conservation to engage the local people in the Annapurna region to conserve this beautiful animal and to value snow leopards rather than regard them as pests.
Orphan Elephant Milk Fund, India
We have funded many liters of life-saving milk formula for the orphan elephants at The Wildlife Trust of India's Centre for Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation. CWRC is the first rescue and rehabilitation center near a protected area in India. Strategically located in Borjuri village adjacent to the Panbari Reserve Forest, near Kazaringa National Park in Assam, the center attends to a wide range of wildlife emergencies resulting from natural or anthropogenic causes.