Our mission is to make conservation everybody’s passion by spreading the word about the state of the natural world and what we can all do about it. To achieve this, we work to draw attention to the plight of threatened species like orangutans, elephants and big cats through visual mediums, striking artworks and the written word. We believe that individuals can make a huge difference in the world by working together. Animal Works is run entirely by volunteers, so you know that anything you donate is going straight to the animals, not into administration or institutional overheads. We are a small organisation doing all we can to make a big difference.
Nafisa: Co-Founder, Campaign Head and Artist – From the time Nafisa began her art practice in 2000, she has been totally committed to creating works that celebrate the beauty of our fragile world. Nafisa was born in Mumbai, India, educated in Hong Kong and Sydney and currently works from her studio and gallery in Mosman - 'H’art Matters Gallery' where Animal Works maintains a permanent presence to generate awareness about wildlife conservation. She has a Master of Fine Arts degree, is a fellow of the Royal Art Society of NSW and is the founder and president of Portrait Artists Australia. She has won over 50 awards for her work including the prestigious Packers’ Prize as part of the Archibald for her portrait of Glenn A. Baker.
Sarah Menzies: Advisor, Social Media, Merchandise and Educator - Sarah has spent time monitoring lions, leopards and cheetahs in Namibia where she worked hands on with research departments and in other areas of conservation. By day Sarah is a high school teacher, where she teaches conservation and environmental ethics to her students. She is currently studying her Masters in Conservation Education with the University of Sydney.
Imogen Taylor: Fundraising, Social Media and School Visits - Imogen is a children’s author-illustrator, a lawyer and a podcaster. Her series of children’s books - The POWEs (the Protectors Of Wildlife Endangered), take children on adventures all around the world saving our planet’s endangered wildlife. The series (which is available in our shop) donates 20% of its profits to wildlife conservation. Imogen is passionate about finding engaging, creative ways to connect children to big environmental issues. Imogen manages our Education Outreach Programme.
Animal Works operates self-managed wildlife conservation projects around the world, as well as forming strong partnerships with flagship organisations, assisting them with raising finds for their projects such as:
Animal Works is generously supported by the following Major Sponsors:
We sincerely thank the following businesses who have supported us with fundraising assistance and event goodies!: